What is Wheatstone bridge and how it works



 The Wheatstone bridge is an electrical circuit used to measure resistance accurately. It consists of four resistors, forming a diamond-shaped circuit, with two resistors on each side. A galvanometer is connected between two opposite corners, and a power supply is connected to the remaining two corners.


The working principle of the Wheatstone bridge is based on the balancing of the circuit when the ratio of the resistors is equal. When the ratio of the resistors is balanced, there will be no current flowing through the galvanometer. This balance is achieved by adjusting one of the resistors until the galvanometer reads zero.


To create a simple Wheatstone bridge, you would need four resistors of known values, a galvanometer, and a power supply. Connect the resistors in a diamond shape, with the galvanometer connected between two opposite corners, and the power supply connected to the remaining two corners. Adjust one of the resistors until the galvanometer reads zero.

The Wheatstone bridge has various uses and applications, including:

1. Measuring unknown resistances accurately.

2. Temperature measurement.

3. Strain gauge measurement for material stress analysis.

4. Resistance measurement of sensors and transducers.

5. Calibration of instruments.

6. Circuit analysis for finding unknown resistance or impedance.

7. Conductivity measurement in solutions.

8. Measurement of very low resistances.

9. Bridge circuits for impedance matching.

10. Measurement of small changes in resistance or impedance.

11. Quality control in manufacturing processes.

12. Measurement of resistance in electric circuits.

13. Testing and calibration of electrical components.

14. Study of material properties in physics and engineering.

15. Evaluation of wire and cable resistances.

16. Soil moisture measurement in agriculture.

17. Determining unknown thermistor resistance.

18. Pressure sensor calibration.

19. Measurement of strain or deformation in structures.

20. Measurement of resistance in electrical networks.


These are just a few examples of the many applications of the Wheatstone bridge. Its ability to measure resistance accurately makes it a versatile tool in various fields, particularly in electrical and electronic engineering.

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